Ms V. Y, 37 years old. (try to acupuncture for Paresthesia) Left side has been paresthesia four months.Since four months ago, left side has been paresthesia, the reason is not clear,sweating more than right side,taken XANAX . Period is...
Massage is widely used in Chinese medicine, and a whole range of techniques has been developed as part of the evolution of Chinese medicine in general. Acupressure massage can be used over general areas of body to promote Qi...
Chinese Herbal Medicine is one of the great herbal systems of the world, with an unbroken tradition going back to the 3rd century BC. Yet throughout its history it has continually developed in response to changing clinical conditions, and...
Customer, who wishes to refund medicine product or terminate acupuncture and/or massage treatment, which was purchased from TCM YARD LTD (Chinese Medicine Yard), must complete TCM YARD LTD (Chinese Medicine Yard) Product / Treatment Refund Application Form and must...
Female, 62 years old, Chief Complaints: chronic rhinitis and sinusitis for more than a decadeHistory: flows yellow and green liquid from nose, forehead pain, left cheek tingling, blurred vision, the skin around of inner corner of eye’s is Bruising,...
Ms. D. Son, 43 years old Chief complaint: Pain and bloat in stomach comes and goes a few year, and getting worse a few days. History: has a bloated in upper abdomen, belch, reflex, the symptoms mentioned above will...
Beta blockers for all heart attack patients is bad practice