Patients Name: Ms. L. I. Age: 63 years old Date of visit: 19.04.2018 (try to do Acupuncture for Vertigo case for Vertigo) Chief complaint: vertigo for 18 months. History of present illness: For eighteen months ago, the headache...
Stop Bell palsy in 1 minute
Patients Name: Ms. N. E. Age: 27 years old Date of visit: 24.03.2018 Chief complaint: Right facial nerve palsy for 8 years. History of present illness: Right facial nerve palsy for 8 years, has been applied to a variety...
Patients Name: B. H. Age: 36 years old Gender: Male Date of visit: 05.03.2018 Chief complaint: Chest, flank ribs, sometimes tingling, knife cut pain for months. History of present illness: At the beginning, the pain appeared on the left...
Patients Name: MS. L. G. 45 years old. (purpose Acupuncture for Eczema) Date of visit: 21.11.2017 Chief complaint: Eczema on both hands 8 months. History of present illness: Suffered from eczema for 35 years, comes, goes. This eight months,...
Acupuncture helps Multiple sclerosis
Fibromyalgia, also called fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS), is a long-term condition that causes pain all over the body. Other symptoms include tiredness to a degree that normal activities are affected, sleep problems, and troubles with memory. Some people also report...
The image of the body being pierced by fine needles in an apparently random way is perhaps the stereotypical view of Chinese medicine. At face value, it must be difficult to imagine how this kind of treatment can benefit...
Patients Name Mr. D Amara, 31-years-old Date of visit: 30/09/2017 Chief complaint: vertigo two months and two weeks. History of present illness: suffered vertigo have been for over 6 weeks when bend forward left side down, accompanied with spin...
(Published by World Health Organization) Complete document currently available at The diseases or disorders for which acupuncture therapy has been tested in controlled clinical trials reported in the recent literature can be classified into four categories as shown...